Graphic Design


User Interface Design

Name Description
Project Proposal This interactive PDF is a proposal for an emergency disaster preparedness mobile app. It includes a design brief, site maps, proof of concept and other essential planning steps.
Heuristic Evaluation This is a systematic evaluation of the site, This evaluation uses ten heuristics to determine site usability and consistency.
UI Document This document is made from sample pages of a UI plan for an eCommerce admin site. It contains a UI proposal, user interview research, wireframes and flow charts.
Architecture Report This report contains the site map, flow charts for primary and secondary user tasks, and initial wireframes.
eCommerce Site Redesign: A Case Study This presentation is an evaluation made on an eCommerce site. It shows what changes needed to be made, established goals for the new site, and presents a new functional prototype.
Interactive Infographic Design Process This micro-site shows how an interactive infographic developed from initial wireframing into a fully functional application.


Name Description
Interactive Infographic Follow the stories of three vicitms of identity theft as you discover the statiscs of this growing crime in the United States. Designed in Flash using AS3.
HTML Site Prototype This is a prototype designed to show the look and feel of an e-commerce site and provide a developer with a CSS template.
CSS3 Showcase The page shows some of the new features in CSS3 including rounded corners, gradients, and @fontface.
Expanding Buttons The purpose of this page is to demonstrate how CSS can be used to created expanding buttons from just two images that can be used for all the buttons of the same style.


Name Description
Sound Landscape This Flash site features original sound effects for buttons and animations. It also includes an original four-part composition in the Mixer panel and a full soundtrack with music, foley effects, and atmosphere in the Video panel. All sounds created in Acid Pro.
Flash Animation The animation in this Flash movie was made using the traditional animation method of onion skinning and drawing frame-by-frame.
Imprint Length Tester This Flash widget is used to test the length of an imprint to see if it will fit on a book. It is displayed in the imprint font and uses arrays to compare characters entered with character lengths. It also restricts input to characters available on the imprinting machine.
Advanced Music Player This music player demonstrates various features of the AS3 sound class. It also has advanced features like a dynamic glow, Caurina transitions and access of the music meta data.
Don't Fear the Cowbell This Flash movies shows advanced ActionScript techniques used to control animation and sound. The concept is based on a popular SNL skit.